With Joomla 2.5.5 being released today for immediate availability, I recently was shared a video from a colleague by Kyle Ledbetter, titled “Joomla 3.0 Frontend Editing.” The video shares Kyle’s vision for how the frontend of Joomla could potentially be. It makes editing become a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) endeavor, not a grueling task which requires you to understand the code in the backend. Some have even gone on to compare to another open source Content Management System (CMS), concrete5. Concrete5 is famous for allowing users to edit the site content directly from the page. This makes it easy for nearly anyone to maintain and update a website. This got me thinking, how could this benefit our clients, as they wouldn’t need to necessarily know the ins-and-outs of a website to update it? This update would help to revolutionize Joomla and help to set it further apart from the other open source impersonators.
Why don’t you take a look at Kyle’s screenshot of his mocked Joomla 3.0 Frontend Editing video:
Vince Baker
‘corePHP’ Contributing Writer