The Ultimate Responsive Web Design Tools for Designers– Part III


The third part of the series continues on the JavaScript and jQuery plugins and is fully dedicated to it. And undoubtedly jQuery is a sure winner in creating responsive web designs. jQuery is used to enhance JavaScript and create cutting-edge mobile-friendly websites.

The jQuery library simplifies important actions like event handling, animation, navigation, etc and gives you the control over the tiny bits of responsiveness you need. A proper combination of CSS3 and jQuery can give your web development process the power it deserves. So if you want to create websites to meet the user expectations and give a proper user experience, then jQuery is a must have in your responsive design process.

A wisely constructed website which is fluidic enough to adapt to any screen size with ease and deliver the best experience to all kinds of users and at all time, should be your primary aim.

JavaScript & jQuery Plugins



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It is a very tiny jQuery plugin (around 450 bytes) which can convert the list items into dropdowns when the browser windows is resized too small or on small mobile screens.



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The name Masonry has got the right meaning for this amazing plugin. This little JavaScript tool can help place the elements of your website in optimal positions based on the available vertical positions seamlessly.



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Flex Slider from WooThemes, is a simple yet amazing and fully functional responsive slider which works perfectly on almost all major browsers.



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BlueBerry is a simple yet perfectly working jQuery slider which changes its dimensions automatically when the browser window is resized or on devices with different screen sizes.



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Elastislide is a jQuery plugin which creates a beautifully designed carousel which automatically adjusts to the screen sizes of a variety of devices.



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It is a very light-weight and simple to use JavaScript tool which gives an extra bit of responsiveness to your designs by making your video embed widths fluid and responsive too.



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It is a powerful JavaScript plugin for creating intelligent, intuitive and dynamic layouts and can even take the advantage of CSS transitions, GPU acceleration in advanced and capable browsers.


Adaptive Images

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This awesome and intelligent plugin can automatically detect the device’s screen size and can deliver re-scaled images as appropriate and can also make your website a lot faster and save a lot of bandwidth too.


Seamless Responsive Photo Grid

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If you want to display a bunch of images, edge-to-edge with no gaps and also want to responsively adjust them depending on various screen sizes, then this is the tool you need.



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Galleria simplifies your job of creating amazing image galleries which can automatically react to browser viewport changes and different screen sizes with ease.


I hope this dedicated article on the JavaScript and jQuery tools for responsive web design have proved to be greatly resourceful for you. If you want you can bookmark it to reference it further.

But in the next part of the series we will continue with some really interesting tools on sketching, wireframing and testing.


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