In this second part of the series, we continue with some more exciting Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials to learn from. We have covered a wide range of tutorials in the part, from 3D text effect tutorials to black-and-white and HDR image development tutorials.
Some tutorials are quite easy and quick to learn, while some can take some serious time and effort to grasp and implement. So don’t worry if you can’t understand a particular tutorial fully in one chance, give some time, read it again and again until you are confident enough with the idea.
Create Amazing Sunsets in Lightroom
(Lightroom Video Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Create bright, vibrant and dynamic sunsets which are generally lacking in your photos.
Create a Summer Inspired 3D Text Effect in Photoshop
(Photoshop Text Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Beat the heat by creating a summer inspired text effect, learning various text and 3D techniques in the process.
Retouching Overexposed Windows with Photoshop and Lightroom
(Photoshop & Lightroom Video Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Learn the techniques of taking multiple exposure shots and merging them using Photoshop and Lightroom both.
How to Create a Smeared Ketchup Text Effect in Photoshop
(Photoshop Text Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Learn to create an awesome smudged ketchup text effect in Photoshop. This tutorial touches a little bit of Illustrator too.
Creating Dramatic Black & White Photographs in Lightroom
(Light Video Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Creating a black & white photograph might seem easy, but bringing the real essence out from only two colors is a difficult task to attain, but this tutorial can help you get it done in an easy and simple way.
Create HDR Look in Just a Single Image in Lightroom
(Lightroom Video Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Quick and simple tutorial to create a HDR look of your image using Lightroom, using only a single photo.
How to Create a Triangle Pixelation Effect in Photoshop
(Photoshop Text Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Learn an easy yet interesting technique of pixelating images using triangles instead of squares in Photoshop.
Create an Amazing Space Battle Scene in Photoshop
(Photoshop Text Tutorial – View Tutorial)
Learn how to create an amazing cinematic space battle scene in Photoshop.
Create Vibrant Landscape Photos Using Lightroom
(Lightroom Video Tutorials – View Tutorial)
Give your landscape photos an extra level of attention using this simple yet amazing tutorial.
Techniques to Improve Landscape Photos in Lightroom
(Lightroom Video Tutorials – View Tutorial)
An in-depth tutorial teaching you the simple techniques of dramatically improving a landscape images in Lightroom.