‘corePHP’s “Summer Sale” Extended


This coupon entitles you to 25% off all extensions.

We are excited to share with you that our “Summer Sale” has been extended to pass on great savings for our products. This past weekend we received lots of emails saying they missed out on our sale due to being on vacation. Well, some of us were also on vacation this weekend and so we decided to extend the sale to this coming Monday, August 13, 2012. That’s right, we will be giving 25% off all of ‘corePHP’ extensions when you use the promo code: sizzlinheat. There is no better time to obtain your favorite ‘corePHP’ products.

Save 25% on all your favorite ‘corePHP’ components, such as…

  • WordPress for Joomla – powerful, easy-to-use blog component
  • jomCDN – speeds up your website by up to 80%
  • JPhoto – create beautiful online photo galleries in minutes
  • jomDefender – Protect your Joomla website from devastating hacker attacks.
Be sure to dash over to corephp.com to take advantage of this promotion using promo code sizzlinheat at checkout, because come Monday at 11:59 p.m. EDT, this promo will melt in the heat.Again, from now until August 13th 2012, all of our extensions will be 25% off with promo code sizzlinheat
Michael Pignataro


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