Coming Soon to a Browser Near You!
Q: “What does ‘corePHP’ have up its sleeve in terms of new products and updates for products?”
A: We’ve been working hard on major projects that will be launched in the next few months! Check out the new products and product updates that are on their way:
- WordPress MU Intergration for Joomla! 1.5 – By popular demand this version of WordPress will allow you to have your users blog on your site with blog space for each user. You can also and integrate into popular Community platforms such as JomSocial and Community Builder. (Coming SOON!!!!)
- Joomla! 1.5 version of UserPlane Products. We have taken the popular chat platform from Joomla! 1.0 and updated it to Joomla! 1.5. That’s not all – we’re also giving it a major face lift and adding tons of new features! We will be taking feature requests after the initial beta release. (To be released in approx. 2 weeks!)
- ‘corePHP’ Template Framework: After years of development we are finally launching a beta version of the ‘corePHP’ template framework. ‘corePHP’ is constantly being asked to provide high quality templates for users, and we have developed a framework that other designers can benefit from. (Coming Summer 2009!)
- Minor updates for Community ACL to be released as 1.0.13
- Updates for WordPress Intergration for Joomla! 1.5
- De-Module Template conversion to Joomla! 1.5
- Joomla! 1.0 products updated for our Joomla! 1.5 user base.
This past week we launched an update to ‘myAccount’. In the next week or two we will be giving the ‘corePHP’ subscription page a fresh, new look.
Let us know what features or products you would like to see from ‘corePHP’.
–Steven Pignataro
CEO ‘corePHP’