10 Steps To An Effective Landing Page

First impressions simply inspire many of the minor and major decisions in one’s life. An excerpt of the chapter could help you decide to whether read a book or not. The façade of a certain home for sale could surely influence your desire to look for it inside. This also goes the same with the landing pages of your website, as it could simply shape the first impression of a user. Landing page has mainly evolved since its original meaning. At first, it is referred to as a home page. Then, because of the advanced search engine technology has changed the rules of the game, by simply transforming any sort of query-relevant content into a landing page.

For instance, if you only typed the “example.com’, you will land to its home page. So, it only means that the home page is the website’s landing page. On the other hand, if you searched for the “best online marketing techniques for 2014”, the search engine will then deliver you to such page, which would then become the website’s landing page. You should know that a well-crafted landing pages could surely capture a target market, get rid of the distractions and simply funnel the interests of your visitors into a less broad, and become a little more focused area of your website. If you would like to develop a great landing page for everyone to appreciate, then here are the 10 steps to an effective landing page for you:

1: Call To Action Comprehension

Call to actionBoth of the transactional and reference landing page contains a distinct call to action. Closing the sale simply represents the ultimate, yet not the only call to action you can make. Your visitors might still not be ready to purchase. If they want a little more information from you, pop ups within your landing page could be infuriating. Pop ups such as “Wait! Leaving so Soon?” will never inspire any sales. However, if they like and trust whatever they read, then they could be more than willing to subscribe to your mailing list.

2: Keyword Studying

Keyword StudyingA number of online marketers simply organize landing pages as a part of the keyword funnel. A customer interested in learning what your product really is and on how it actually works will definitely search for keyword phrases like, “what it is, how is it used, where to buy” and so on. Such search will bring them to one of your landing pages. Whenever they think that the product could be of great help, then they might ask for questions such as “how does the product works” or “why do I need this product” and more. With such, they are already in the middle of the funnel. A probable customer would end up on one of your landing pages if they have those questions in mind.

3: Use Attractive Titles

Use attractive titlesMake sure that every word in your 8-10 long words title is useful. The title tag is a short snippet of a code letting you to describe the content of any page of your website. Each of your website’s page has its very own title tag that could be customized for the content of a certain page. The main idea of the page title is for you to use it like you are writing a title for a college paper or somewhat a business report. It is a short, yet a compelling introduction to the content being designed to let the readers know what the reader is about to devour. Whenever someone searches for something, a major search engine like Google uses the title tag as a clickable link. Thus, your pages must have its very own title tag, depending upon where the page belongs in the funnel of keywords.

4: Reference Creation

Reference CreationKeep in mind that Content is King and he rains from the throne of the landing page’s reference. Whenever the search engines trust the information, then they simply move the throne in front of the search pages. A quality and well written content, with updated series of blog simply draws high readership, who might eventually subscribe to your words of wisdom. Whenever they have learned more, they would become a little more inclined to purchase.

5: Upsell of Information

Upsell of InformationSome of the companies mainly tempt the readers with white papers, e-books, webinars and slide decks for free. Receiving such swag actually needs a valid email-address. This infographic actually describes various ways in which a reference landing page could trigger a good call to action.

 6: Less Information

Less InformationSo, the probable customer has requested for more information from you. Don’t get to overwhelmed and never blow it. A concern for your privacy simply characterizes the current climate in the internet and it is also for good reasons. If you ask for too much of information, your client will surely leave and never come back. A little less of information would be ideal to continue a fruitful transaction with you.

7: Mobile-Friendliness

Mobile-FriendlinessPeople aren’t always at home whenever they look for your product. Whenever they have an immediate need for whatever product you are selling, whoever has the best mobile-friendly landing pages always wins. Most of the online business websites do have mobile-friendly home pages, yet getting into the most transactional landing page is somewhat impossible.

8: Socialize

SocializeThese days, social networking websites are sharing major roles in the search algorithm, so you must also optimize your landing page for sharing across different networks. Such practice mainly allows every visitor to drive more of traffic into your pages, in which you will benefit as well.

 9: Testimonials

TestimonialsAre you flooding with compliments? Why don’t you bring them into the game? This actually includes the testimonials, posts and tweets of your client regarding your product, services, or company as a whole.

10: Take the tests

You must also take the quiz in terms of optimization, so you are able to determine whether the landing pages you have for your website are well- advanced.


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