This release has been a long time coming and we are excited it is here. You will now have access to more plugins, and we have also fixed many bugs.
- You now have the ability to create multiple menu links to different blogs
- Added link back to Joomla for Admins in the dashboard
- Avatars from JomSocial or CB now override all gravatars
- New dashboard design
- Faster and lighter!
- A new distraction-free zen writing mode where controls disappear and only content is visible. You can even write in full-screen mode!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bugs with myBlog importer
- Comment redirection fixes
- Fixed issues with sh404SEF
- Fixed blog ID issue not grabbing proper primary blog
- The “Grant this user super admin…” would always be checked if a super admin was editing the user
- Fixed issues with 3rd party search and login forms
- Fixed issue where a role would automatically be updated when saving user
- Fixed issue where default role wasn’t getting pulled correctly when in multisite
- Fixed bug where the rss feed would not display
These following modules/plugins have also been updated:
- Joomla 1.5
- mod_wordpress_latest
- mod_wordpres_latestblogs
- mod_wordpress_sidebar1
- mod_wordpress_sidebar2
- plg_system_wordpress
- Joomla 1.6/1.7
- mod_wordpress_sidebar1
- mod_wordpress_sidebar2
- plg_system_wordpress
- JomSocial plugin updated – Completely rewritten
Upgrade instructions: If you are currently running WordPress for Joomla 3.x simply backup and install the latest package. If you have made modifications to the twentyten theme, then restore it after installing the new version.
There is more documentation on this on the PDF file that comes with the component download. Note: if you are currently on WordPress for Joomla 2.x, please refer to the documentation for upgrading instructions.
If you would like to read more about WordPress 3.2, you can do so from
Have ‘corePHP’ upgrade for you!
Don’t forget to contact our support team for questions about the new version.
Download Latest WordPress for Joomla! $69.99Purchase Product
Have us upgrade WordPress for Joomla! $60Purchase Upgrade
Have us install WordPress for Joomla! $30Purchase Installation
Have us install Multi-User WP for Joomla! $60Purchase Installation
We have also added more content to our documentation to help answer most commonly asked questions. If you are looking for the twentyeleven theme, we have not migrated it yet. It is quite the process to migrate a new theme, and there is a lot of testing involved.
We hope you enjoy this update! Posted by Rafael Corral, Lead Developer