V-DAY SALE: 20% OFF All Extensions
Coupon code: ‘ weheartu20 ‘
Some folks might be cynical and think Valentine’s Day Sales are “corny”, but we certainly don’t! We absolutely LOVE this Holiday and aren’t ashamed at all to call our big sale this week a, Valentine’s Day Sale!
After all, Valentine’s Day is a time to express your love & appreciation for special people. And our customers are very special to us. Without your continued support, there would be no ‘corePHP’ and for that, we want to say: “We Heart U!”
But our appreciation doesn’t end there…
BIG savings on some sweet Joomla goodies!
From now until Friday night, February 22nd at 11:59 pm, take 20% OFF all Joomla extensions.
Save now on:
- WordPress for Joomla – Powerful blog component for Joomla. Get the blog your site needs!
- JPhoto – Create different picture galleries in your Joomla site.
- jomCDN – Improve your site performance with this optimization plugin.
- FAV – A simple like/dislike system that gives you the buttons you need to gather the data to understand your audience.
- jomDefender – Give your Joomla site the protection it needs from hackers.
Just enter this coupon code during checkout from now through Friday night, and you’ll enjoy 20% savings, instantly: weheartu20
Need a powerful blog, photo gallery or CDN for Joomla? ‘corePHP’ has those and dozens more popular Joomla! extensions. Save 20% on all of them with this code: weheartu20
Who needs Valentine’s Day flowers with all these sweet Joomla! goodies, Michael? 🙂
Visit corephp.com, today and use the code “heartu20” & save before it’s too late. Come Saturday morning, this sale will expire. Don’t delay!
From all of us, to all of you…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Team ‘corePHP’