Top WordPress Theme Development Trends To Follow

Having originated as a blogging tool, WordPress has grown to become the most powerful content management system (CMS) in the world. With advancing technologies, the company has expanded its business and operations, and its users have more options available now than ever before.

While most people are now using WordPress on Linux to save on resources, it can be run on a Windows VM/server as well. Furthermore, we have MySQL database built into our system that houses all the relevant data like user settings, options, pages, posts, among other things.

In the past few years, customized, paid themes have started making tides. For what you pay, you get multiple design templates within a theme package that give you the flexibility and freedom and the technical support to design your beautiful website in the most efficient manner.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the top WordPress theme development trends in 2020.

7 WordPress Theme Development Trends

1. Adoption of HTTPs

Google, the biggest search engine in the world, has set highly competitive and quite rigorous guidelines for the websites in security parameters. And while HTTPs may sound like an obvious thing to implement, it wasn’t always so. Google and all the security researchers in the world approve of websites that have openly transitioned from HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) to HTTPs to provide secure communication channels to its users.

All the startups and the new websites choose to go with HTTPs (HTTP over SSL) so that they aren’t counted among the other insecure ones. This trend started around 2017 and was a much-needed wake-up call for all the industries with an online presence.

2. Mobile Optimization

The concept of using the internet on mobile devices has revolutionized many industries, including WordPress theme development. Businesses now understand that their prospective clients are on their mobile phones, and hence there was the need to design web-pages that looked and felt seamless on the smaller devices.

Top WordPress Theme Development Trends To Follow


For websites to be mobile-friendly, WordPress themes also implement various progressive web-based applications that don’t require users to install any app from their native store. These websites function just like any Android or iOS app would, and they have additional benefits like faster loading and overall better user experience against regular websites.

3. Microinteractions

Microinteractions are responsible for making websites more interactive and entertaining. This is done by quick (mostly) visual feedback to the user actions on the website. Think about the animations you see when you hit the ‘Like’ button on Facebook or LinkedIn or the feedback you get when you click on a ‘Delete’ button. We notice them every time we visit these websites but fail to consciously register them.

These microinteractions guide the user (with subtlety) into finding the clickable elements on the web-page and assure the user of having clicked the right button with feedback animations.

WordPress offers several ways through which you can implement microinteractions on your website, with the most direct approach being coding yourself (in CSS or JavaScript). You can use existing plugins to include scroll and hover effects.

4. Ecommerce Optimization

With thousands of businesses selling their products online, e-commerce was bound to take the internet by storm. Keeping this requirement in mind, most of the WordPress themes now come with templates that are optimized for e-commerce, giving users a taste of what this dynamic platform is capable of.

Top WordPress Theme Development Trends To Follow


Thе famous WordPrеss plugin WooCommerce hаs made е-commеrcе dеvеlopmеnt еаsiеr for WordPrеss dеvеlopеrs. All of this has been made possiblе by intеgrаting convеntionаl coding to producе thе contеnt management system, not only intuitivе but аlso fully-optimizеd to аcquirе trаffic аcross thе nеt. Additionаlly, your cliеnts’ dаtа will bе morе protеctеd аs а rеsult of аffordаblе Wildcаrd SSL Cеrtificаtеs.

5. The SaaS model

All business websites should maintain their site’s uniqueness to stay afloat in these competitive times. With the multitude of plugins available on the web, copying a website’s code is like a walk in the park.

WordPress highly discourages this form of plagiarism, and its developers are advised to secure their code with the SaaS model. You can now improve your widgets and transform them into a format that’s more secure to prevent it from getting copied. Infact, a good wordpress website designing company would be inclined to this model.

6. AR, VR Optimization

Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies are among the biggest leaps in technology in recent years. VR is a trending notion in the game-development market and is turning heads in other industries as well while they look for a point to include its implementation.

Top WordPress Theme Development Trends To Follow


Businesses can now make use of these interactive experiences through WordPress, too, with the most forward example being its 360-degree images and videos. Most paid themes in their latest versions have offered the functionality to implement AR and VR in WordPress.

7. Usage in Blockchain Technology

A blockchаin is а dеcеntrаlizеd digitаl lеdgеr which hеlps you to rеcord trаnsаctions in a chronology in thе form of blocks thаt adds to thе chаin where each transaction is being rеcordеd. Evеry individual transaction is getting automatically updated with еаch nodе connеctеd to thе blockchain nеtwork in thе аbsеncе of cеntrаl аuthority.

With its most widely known implementation being in the field of FinTech and cryptocurrencies, Blockchain’s uses are only limited by thought. Bitcoin was responsible for creating an upsurge in the financial sector, but now, the famous cryptocurrency’s strong infrastructure can now be used to influence the development of plugins used on various CMS, including WordPress.

Top WordPress Theme Development Trends To Follow


Blockchаin cаn аlso bе usеd for vеrificаtion purposеs аnd to mаnаgе wеbsitеs. Thеrе аrе different nеw block chains developed for encryption of pеrsonаl dаtа to lеt thе usеrs shаrе their dаtа actively. It cаn bе utilizеd to login аpps, identity verification, and share pеrsonаl dаtа securely with thе sеrvicе providers for colleagues if needed.

You can also store high-security files, monetize your content (as a replacement for AdSense) — the scope is endless when it comes to implementing Blockchain in WordPress.


From making websites more secure to making them more profitable to making them more dynamic — WordPress had a major role in transforming the idea of a CMS in our minds. Thanks to the trends in theme development, websites now load faster, website managers can now see their content rank higher while providing their visitors with great overall user experience.

All in all, the past few years have seen a lot of development in the domains that have, in turn, made WordPress what it is today.




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