A Guide to Download and Install paGO Commerce Today

So, you are interested in Joomla’s leading e-commerce platform paGO Commerce and don’t know what to do next.

We are here to show you exactly how to download and install paGO Commerce. This revolutionary e-commerce platform offers great features, such as a one-page checkout, a product variations system, integrated SEO tools and a payment gateway that never needs to be updated.

To get started, you need to go to the official ‘corePHP’ website at www.corephp.com. Next, proceed up to “Products” in the header, and then down to “paGO Commerce” in the drop-down.

Once you land on the dedicated paGO Commerce landing page, you will see “Free Download”. Select the button and add your email address into the field and click “Free Download” once again. When prompted, save the paGO Commerce file directly to your computer.

After the download has completed, proceed to your website’s Joomla Administrator backend. Within the Administrator panel, go up to “Extensions”, then “Manage” and finally “Install”.

Within the Upload and Install screen, select “Choose File” and then locate the previously downloaded file after the screen loads, and then click “Open”. Lastly, click the blue “Upload & Install” button and wait for paGO Commerce to install.

Finally, when paGO Commerce has finished installing, you are now able to get started configuring your paGO Commerce store. If at any time you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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