Staying up till the wee hours of the morning has finally paid off! WordPress MU for Joomla! is done and officially released. This extension contains many cool features that will allow you to expand your site’s community. Your users will love the ability to express themselves by having their own blog on your site!
Here is a quick overview of the features:
- Each user can pick their own blog’s Permalink Structure
- Each user can choose what widgets to show in the sidebar(s). (sidebar modules must be installed)
- Users can blog through remote blogging applications such as an iPhone or desktop apps.
- As an administrator you can manage each blog as if it were your own.
- You can create themes for your users to pick from. This will allow your users to have a customized blog page! Each theme will still display within your Joomla! template.
Soon to come
- JomSocial plugin
- sh404SEF plugin
- Docs!
This extension is awesome. I hope you love it as much as we do!
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