Why Would You Upgrade To Dedicated Hosting?

If your website showcases a rapid growth in recent times, you might need to take to a dedicated server hosting. Dedicated server can be defined as a computer attached with the internet connection & is solely committed to one single end-user. There are some indications which point out the necessity to get a dedicated server hosting for your site.

Check out for the following indications:

Detection of performance slow-down is never a simple task. It’s absolutely vital for the user to check out these signs that would help him to determine the need of dedicated server for his system.

  • Excessive time for page loading
  • Constant error messages from database given high volume
  • Overloaded server results in poor performance for website

A regular monitoring on site traffic can also answer whether at all your site needs to be upgraded to dedicated server or not. It would be quite a smart move to hit the site at the high traffic hours & analyze its performance capability. It would even assist you to understand the very difficulties faced by your visitors when they visit your site.

System alteration & customization is a prime reason which motivates one to take to dedicated server. Maintenance of dedicated server is dependent on the capacity to install & upgrade software as well as look after security issues which might pop up.

What is meant by dedicated hosting?

In the world of web management, dedicated server hosting is revered as one of the best suitable methods for enhancing website performance. This form of hosting is mostly apt for the big enterprises or large e-commerce companies. It enables the website owner to relish a great number of features that are highly valuable in the hosting scene & shared hosting programs fall far short while compared to enormous list of features available from dedicated hosting.

Dedicated hosting- the types

Hosting providers extend different forms of dedicated server hosting programs-

Fully-managed hosting

  • Software installations & security upgrades
  • Comprehensive assistance to take care of all the hosting needs

Semi-managed hosting

  • Intermediate-management level
  • Need to deploy pros to look after server needs
  • Services offered are based on mutual agreements

Managed hosting

  • Complete control won’t be allowed
  • Provider is just allowed to make the server modifications
  • Rights restricted for your data & users

Self-managed hosting 

  • The site owner’s staffs would be allowed to manage the server completely.
  • Unmanaged hosting

    • The server would be fully managed & run by the site owner’s staffs only.
    • The hosting company won’t lend any support
    • The end user would have to handle all the server problems all by himself.

    Why would anybody upgrade the hosting part to dedicated hosting?

    You should have a vivid understanding of the server details & services offered from your hosting provider since it’s significant to have a good grasp on how to utilize provisions of dedicated hosting at its best. Wrong dedicated server hosting plans might spell danger especially in emergency situations that include unfortunate downtime in the peak hours.

    Advantages of taking to dedicated server hosting

    Dedicated hosting offers one dedicated server to host your data & other applications. Such a server optimizes your reliability & assists in high site performance. This very arrangement allows full control on every feature of a site &

    Permits the user to install a huge range of software

    High speed for heavy application loading

    Storage provisions for the sites with personal details of the users

    Enhanced rate of performance while handling heavy website traffic

    Facility to include better server bandwidth & storage space whenever required

    Dedicated hosting services should be taken from a credible hosting service provider only to guarantee superior website performance any time.

    It’s advised that you should take up a comparative study between 5-6 potential dedicated website hosting services before you finalize on the most compatible host. You have to check out expert reviews as well as the customer testimonials on them – the one you take to should be the most reputed of the lot, backed by satisfied customers.


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