Top SEO Plan for Higher Search Rankings in 2021


2020 is about to wrap up and a brand new year is waiting just around the corner. With that, comes new hopes for web marketers all over the world who are constantly worrying about how to up their SEO game.

In this post by SPOPLI Web Development & Services, we look at top SEO game plans you must include in your strategy if you want to score higher rankings in 2021.

Put Out Useful Content

The first thing people think about when they hear the word content is – BLOGS. But, content is so much more than that. It covers everything from the video content, articles, live chats, webinars, guides, tutorials, and a lot more. Be sure to distribute insanely useful content across your website as well as every other platform/channel on which you are present.

Dig into what your customers’ pain points and common questions are. Make sure the content you publish answers those questions and remedies those pain points. Your content should be solution-oriented and it should speak to the customers. Pay special attention to devising rich and relevant content. Ideally, it should be niche-oriented; something that adds value.

2. Do Not Forget to Perform Local Keyword Research

If anyone ever tells you that keywords are dead, don’t ever listen to them. Let us make one thing clear – keywords are NEVER going to die. Because they are literally the only way search engines know what people are actively searching for. With that said, if you’re a local business, you will have to look deep into local keyword searches.

Google gives a lot of weightage to algorithms regarding local keywords and searches. If yours happens to be a local business, make sure to stay on the lookout for updates that favors local searches and SERPs. Do not postpone local SEO efforts if you want people to know that you exist. Local keyword research and optimization will be just as relevant in 2021 as they were yesterday.

3. Create Less, Promote More

Ideally, you should spend 20% of your time creating content, and the rest 80% of your time and efforts, you should focus on promoting what you’ve created. Spend that time connecting with your audiences to widen your outreach. Reach them across all the relevant channels.

While there’s nothing quite like having your website organically appear in SERPs, don’t just rely on that. There’s no substitute for promotion. Be just as creative when it comes to promoting and expansion as you are with actual content creation.

Here’s how you can do it – be sure to add sharable icons for social media for every post that you put out. Apart from that, you must be present on all relevant social media channels. Being active on these platforms could do wonders for you. And when you do get some comments – be sure to respond to those.

If you think that distribution is too much of a pain for you, you can work with automation tools like HubSpot.

4. Look Under the Hood

Pay special attention to things like URLs, image tags, meta descriptions, page titles, etc. Make sure all of these things are in place. If they are not, that’s a huge SEO disservice on your part.

You should start with finding your website’s most popular web pages that appear in the search results. Next, you will have to review your meta description and compare them with that of your competitors. See if it gives an accurate description of what the page is all about. Make sure that it encourages the user to click.

There are a bunch of free and paid tools like this one that can scan the whole website for you and give you the data in a comprehensive format. It can show the big picture for you.

Top SEO Plan for Higher Search Rankings in 2021

5. Create Responsive Sites

A responsive website design is a must-have in your plans for 2021 if you want to score higher in search engines. You have to know that responsiveness of a site is a direct contributing factor that governs where in SERPs it will appear. That’s because Google puts a lot of emphasis on sites that load well across all kinds of devices and aspect ratios.

Make sure that your site is in compliance with the responsiveness factor. Failure to do that will not only make your site appear off, it can also drive away a lot of potential visitors and future customers.

As a matter of fact, responsiveness is no longer a choice. It’s a huge necessity from every aspect whether you look at it SEO-wise or user-experience-wise. So, if you’re serious about upping your SEO game in 2021, be sure not to ignore the responsiveness factor of your site.

6. Keep Track of Your Best Performing Pages

One of the key metrics in the online world is to keep tracking your best-converting pages. Look into the kind of topics that are performing better than others. Also, look at the most viewed pages. This kind of insight can give you a direction in which to tread for all your future efforts. Perhaps your audience is responding to ‘how-to’ type articles. Perhaps they are liking short copies better than long copies. Maybe they are more into image-assisted storytelling. Perform A/B testing.

To do this, you can keep a list of your top-performing pages. Every month, note down how much traffic they are drawing. If you don’t see any improvement across some pages, that means it’s time to tune-up your SEO strategies for the pages that are struggling.

7. Start Working On Video Content Production

2021 is going to be the year of video content dominating everything. Although we arrived there long ago, the coming year is going to see more of it. Sadly, whenever someone mentions video content, most people think it’s only YouTube. That’s not true. No matter whether you’re scrolling across the Facebook feed, Instagram feed, or any other social media – you see video content everywhere.

Therefore, it’s high time that you get the works to produce video content in the coming year into motion.



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