When a visitor comes to your website, the type of experience they have has a big influence on whether or not they’ll become interested enough to purchase from you. The site which has a higher level of user engagement will almost certainly have a higher conversion rate. As a result, the best possible scenario would be to create websites with good UX Designs so that users may engage in a variety of ways while on your website.

When done effectively, UX is one of those things that you may not notice. It’s when a UX isn’t well-designed that you notice it. You know your website is nicely designed if you can’t tell that it is a user experience (UX). It is a win if the design of a site is so fluid and intuitive that users can easily and quickly locate the information they need. When it comes to a website makeover or refresh, the user experience is crucial and an experienced UI UX designer can deliver you the best results. If a website is clumsy and difficult to navigate, it doesn’t matter how good your content is, how beautiful your graphic design is, or how well-known a brand is.

The information below may be useful if you’ve been having trouble properly engaging your site users and increasing your conversion rate. It includes 10 UX recommendations that will help you improve your website’s engagement and user experience, as well as your overall conversion rate.

1. Create an eye-catching homepage

Although all of your website’s pages should be user-friendly, the homepage is very vital. Usually, when a user visits your website the home page is seen. This is the first page when people visit your site, and most of the people glance at this page to decide whether or not to continue to visit subsequent pages. The finest UX may be found on easy-to-navigate websites. The most important information should be shown above the fold. User engagement and conversion are also improved by designs that include subheadings, short paragraphs with short phrases, large font, and bullet points.

2. Consistent design and simple flow of information

It’s critical for visitors to recognize your brand and company’s image throughout your site, so use the same fonts, color hues and schemes, and layout patterns throughout your website. People will grow more familiar with your images and general brand as a result of this.

People who visit your site want to receive the information they need to fix a problem or answer a query as quickly as possible. UX designs that make it simple for users to follow the process with as few distractions and clicks as possible boost user engagement.

Sites that are difficult to navigate and make information tough to find by requiring too many clicks before a user can go where they want to go reduce the user’s experience. Furthermore, users are reluctant to fill out forms simply to obtain the information they require, which reduces user engagement. A competent and experience UI UX designer can help you deliver the solutions quite easily.

3. Quick to load

If your web pages take longer than four or five seconds to load, you risk losing visitors who may never return. When it comes to keeping visitors’ interest, pages that load in 3 to 4 seconds are perfect. Even if the page loads in sections, visitors will anticipate certain features of your site while they wait, which may motivate them to wait for the entire page to load.

When it comes to webpage layout and other UX designs, website owners who have a defined goal for each page make it easy for UI UX designer to deliver the best solutions.

4. Remove any potential sources of distraction

Your call to action should be easily visible to your users. Furthermore, anything you want your users to perform should be simple to locate and access. Anything on your home page that isn’t absolutely necessary should be removed. It is not only distracting, but it also diverts the user’s attention away from more important topics. The users will stay focused and engaged if the essential objective of each page is mapped out ahead of time.

5. Fix or eliminate broken links

If there are any broken or irrelevant links on your site, they should be fixed right away. When consumers discover too many broken links or links that do not connect to other relevant sources, their opinion of your organization will quickly deteriorate, prompting them to abandon your site with a negative impression of its functionality.

6. Include a search function

For consumers who are having trouble locating what they are looking for, it is critical that site designs incorporate search options. This causes a certain amount of annoyance, which usually leads to the user abandoning the site. When a search feature is available, however, it gives visitors another option and can make your site appear more valuable by making important material easy to access.

7. Utilization of videos

Videos on web pages can increase the level of satisfaction among the viewers quickly and efficiently. Particularly in-depth, educational, or client testimonial videos can work wonders for the UX of your website. They can not only respond to queries, but they can also provide great credibility.

8. Flexibility

Because many people access websites using a number of devices, ensure that your UX designs are suitable for a variety of electronic devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Before launching, make sure to test the various devices.

9. Provide easy access to contact information

Many web users grow disappointed when businesses fail to provide proper contact information. Including as much contact information as possible on your contact page makes it easier for users to contact you.

10. Use a proper call to action

UX designs with a clear call to action – ideally above the fold – can help increase conversion rates. Simple design features, such as a distinct color palette linked to the call to action, help the user understand and know how to go about it. Using language like “click here to learn more,” “buy now,” and similar phrases makes it easier for consumers to understand what they should do, reduces confusion, and enhances conversions.

Summing it up

Hopefully, these 10 tips help you deliver a great UX to your website visistors with the help of a UI UX designer. The bottom line is that your site must serve its intended goal and provide the user the information they require in the simplest way feasible.

Author Bio:

Sunny Chawla is a Managing Director at Alliance Recruitment Agency. He specializes in helping client for international recruiting, staffing, HR services and Careers advice service for overseas and international businesses.





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