WP is one of the most popular and available content management systems these days. And it is not just about blogging. Business websites, online shops, bulletin boards, or portfolios — now all of the above are possible with a platform because WordPress has been evolving for a long time now.
To get the most out of WordPress and have it operates as a different type of system, you should shape it to your goals. Ultimately, this may mean making some changes, such as removing elements like a page or post title.
You can edit nearly all elements with little effort, and it is one of the main advantages of this content management system. The page title is the first thing visitors will see. Well, you may be amazed why removing this eminently useful element would have any plus at all. Here are a few cases when you probably will want to keep titles out of sight.
Case #1: static homepages
This situation occurs when someone not profitable in having a blog feed on the homepage. A lot of websites around the world create a homepage with specific elements. For example, these may be buttons or media. All this can help your WordPress homepage turning into an average website.
Case #2: visual overload
Some pages work for specific purposes, such as a website builder. In this case, the title only overloads the page. For example, would you need a page title Online calculator, if the page is nothing but a calculator? It is unnecessary because visitors will already assume the page is indeed the calculator.
Case #3: landing pages
It is one of the key reasons people want to dispose of the title. These pages primarily intended to make conversions, and a title often diverts people from major spots like contact details.
So are you curious about how to delete the page title? CMS themes show the title on every page and post by default. No matter the reason, this article will help you to fix a title problem Let’s take a look at the step-by-step instruction on how to remove the page or post title in WP by using several ways.
Method #1: coding in a child theme
The first option is to manually insert some conditions for title tags in theme files.
You can hide specific page titles directly in the CSS stylesheet. Maybe this sounds too complicated for non-technical users, but it is quite simple. The easiest way to do it is just to go to https://hostingwiki.org/remove-page-post-title-wordpress/.
This method is a very radical one because it disabling ALL titles your website has.
Method #2: don’t add the title at all
Perhaps this is not what you expected from this article, but you can keep the title field empty, and it works.
If everything is so simple, why do we need other methods? Here are two main reasons why this one is not such a good idea.
Reason #1: if the user keeps the title field empty, the meta title will be empty too. This will reflect badly on SEO as search engines show a meta title in search results.
Reason #2: WP adds (no title) to those pages whose title is kept empty. If some user has several pages without the title, it will be incredibly complicated to understand which page is for which goal.
Method #2: Using a special plugin
The most convenient way to remove the page title is to use a special plugin. According to statistics, there are over 55,000 plugins that can do all job for you. In this particular case, we recommend choosing between Elementor and Title Remover. Now we will dwell on the first plugin. The Elementor plugin is available in two versions — paid and free. For a beginner developer, the functions of a free constructor will suffice.
It should be noted the Title Remover tool is also in the public domain and works smoothly with most WP themes.
Now let’s move on to Elementor.
Step 1: let’s run the editor for that page by clicking on the Edit button. This move will take you to the plugin’s editor.
Step 2: you should click on the Settings icon that presents at the bottom-left corner of a screen and open the main settings. Then you need to click on the Hide Title button and save the changes as soon as you make it.
WordPress has proved to be an incredibly powerful system. It allows you to customize every page by using intuitive and visual controls. Creating a perfect website has never been easier.
We hope this quick guide helped you to learn more about how to use tools to hide the page title in different ways. You can view different methods when you want, so everyone will find the perfect way. With a basic understanding of all these simple steps, it will take you less than a couple of minutes to implement any changes to the system in the future.
The code editing is the perfect method for those with skills in coding. If you are a beginner, we recommend you follow the instruction that doesn’t require manual editing. Join hundreds of users who build WordPress websites better and faster than ever before!