When you are looking for the right web hosting service, there are a number of things you should consider. The size of your website and the features should determine the type of hosting solution to go for. Below are some of the things you should consider:
- Disk Space: This refers to the amount of space the web hosting company will allocate for your website. If you have a small website with a few pages and few images, you can go for a smaller disk space. Some companies offer as little as 50MB disk space. Ideally, you should opt for a minimum disk space of 300MB.On the other hand, if you have a large website with many pages, lots of images, videos, audio files, and other zip files, you will need a bigger disk space. The total size of the files you are hosting should guide you on the disk space size to go for. If you are constantly adding large files on the website, you can go for unlimited disk space. However, this comes at an extra cost.
- Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the amount of traffic that is allowed between a website and the Internet during a particular time period, usually monthly. The amount of traffic you get should guide you in choosing the right bandwidth. For example, if you choose a package that comes with 1GB bandwidth, your site will be inaccessible after the bandwidth is exhausted during that month. The site will be accessible again after the month ends. 
If you anticipate high traffic or are offering lots of downloadable files, go for a higher bandwidth limit. You can also opt for unlimited monthly bandwidth.
- Server Uptime: Uptime refers to the amount of time the servers where your website is hosted remain functioning. Ideally, any package that comes with 97% uptime guarantee for three consecutive months is good. There is no company that can guarantee 100% uptime as many things, both natural and human-caused, can occur and may make the servers to fail.Regardless of the size of your website, you should look for a web hosting solution that offers a minimum of 97% guaranteed uptime. The higher the guaranteed uptime, the better.
- Price: Consider the price of the web hosting package before you purchase. Compare prices from different companies to find one that is affordable. When comparing the prices, look at the features of the packages. Some of the things you should consider include whether multiple domain web hosting is allowed, money-back guarantee, types of applications that are supported in the package, level of support, among others.
- Type of Hosting: Find out the type of web hosting you will need. General websites are hosted on shared servers. If you would like to increase the security of your website by installing secure socket layer (SSL) certificates, you will need a dedicated web hosting service. If your customers will be purchasing or making payments on your website, you will also need a dedicated hosting account
The above are some of the things you should consider when looking for the best web hosting solutions.
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