When you’re selling a product, it may seem that marketing is easy. You plan and execute a strategy about what a product can do for its consumers, and the product sells itself. When you run a service-based company, however, you must take a different approach to selling the service. Instead of promoting product functionality, you can promote your and your team’s ability to complete the task. It’s a little more difficult to market a positive attitude and a track record of excellent customer service than it is to slap product specs on a brochure.
But don’t be discouraged. People are still on the lookout for a good service company. Customers seek trustworthy and dependable service providers regardless of the type of service. All you have to do now is communicate with them, and there are plenty of low-cost ways to do so. Here are seven effective ways to market your service business.
1. Get a Lot of Business Cards
Business cards haven’t lost their value. They can be a very effective marketing tool for small businesses. You can network with other local businesses and ask if you can leave a stack of cards in their lobbies or simply hand them around at networking events to other business owners. They’ll also be handy if you need DUI lawyers in Seattle. Business cards are convenient and can be transferred from customer to customer in a similar manner to word-of-mouth marketing. Vistaprint and GotPrint both sell 500 business cards for a reasonable price.
2. Revise and Formalize the Strategy
Planning is not the same as strategy. Any venture benefits from planning, and you can start planning as soon as possible. On the other side, strategy is the how-to. It’s a step-by-step guide to getting you to where you want to be in your company. Tactics and forward momentum are combined in strategy. Schedules, calendars, metrics, KPIs, and other attainable goals are all included. However, it connects these strategies to a specific goal. Having said that, the plan should not be set in stone. Revising your plan on a regular basis in reaction to and in anticipation of changes in market demands should be part of your strategic approach.
3. Use Incentives to Entice Customers
Depending on the size of your group, there might be a plethora of other programs that are similar to yours. So, how do you go about attracting new clients? Everyone wants a good deal, and exclusive offers are a perfect way to get one. While a successful promotion may cut into your overhead, it may also attract new customers to your company. Only keep in mind that you must strike a balance between your pricing requirements and your customers’ perceptions of a good offer. Valpak and other marriage-mail providers allow you to target households by zip code and mail your coupons, while companies like Boostability provide similar online marketing services for businesses seeking to tap into their local markets.
4. Maintain Contact
While it will seem self-evident, you should make an effort to stay in contact with your loyal customers. Although there is no “one-size-fits-all” policy on how often to call, email, or mail coupons, ask yourself, “At what point do I become irritated by businesses who contact me?” The response should decide how often the company should communicate. Customers appreciate being noticed, but they don’t want to be irritated. Good service is worth mentioning, and courteous customer service will help you develop a strong word-of-mouth reputation.
5. Take Advantage of Social Media
Consider building business pages and profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms in addition to a website for your company. Once you’ve finished setting up your accounts, make sure to keep them up to date by responding to customer requests and posting useful and timely updates. This will assist you in gaining a following. Even if the person who receives your social media ads doesn’t buy what you’re offering, they can easily share your deal with someone they know.
6. Be a Part of the Group
Be kind to your neighbors and avoid using the out-of-date “economic advantage” business model in your neighborhood. Other well-known local companies have their own customer base. As a result, if you treat these businesses with respect, and since they may only be able to accommodate a certain number of clients, they may refer some of them to your services. Participating in the local Rotary Club or Chamber of Commerce is a promising way to engage with the community. These gatherings will help you communicate with other companies that value collaboration.
7. Make the News
One of the easiest ways to get free ads for your business is to be featured in the press. Depending on the size of your culture, merely erecting a new sign will be sufficient to get you noticed. If not, consider doing something more newsworthy, like contributing to a cause or organizing a community event. If you plan to do this, you must be honest in your donation and believe in the cause; otherwise, future clients may doubt your motives and will refuse to do business with you. If you do donate to a charity, make sure it’s the right one, and consider coordinating a charitable event with another local company. Using the right charities in the right ways will benefit the company while still benefiting a good cause.
8. Compete on Value Rather Than Price
In competitive markets, competitors often engage in price wars. Lowering prices, on the other hand, is a waste of time for smart service companies since consumers typically choose the provider who provides the best value for the money. As a result, consider using a bundling strategy to get the best deal. Fast food is an example of an industry that relies on bundling to sustain profits by incorporating common products into less-expensive meal combos. Since inventory costs are rarely an issue in service businesses, you can combine additional services and significantly improve your offering.
These are just a few easy ways to get started with your marketing. Finally, the quality of your products and the ability to convey that quality to your target market will determine the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Since not all marketing tactics can work for every target market, test your strategies until you find one that works, and then go big with it until something better comes along.