Start Selling With paGO Commerce Before Heading Back to Work

With the major holiday season upon us, how are you intending to pay for those gifts this year? After all, this time of year seems to always come upon us before we know it and catch us by surprise. Why not set up a paGO Commerce website today to help offset your income. Set up is so simple, it can be completed and functioning in a matter of days, or while you are off from work.

Are you a stay-at-home parent who enjoys selling their arts and crafts and would like to break into the online market? With paGO Commerce’s easy setup, you can be offering your products online to a larger market in no time. Visualize the potential with your untapped market. For as little as $5 per month, the hosting cost associated with a account, you can be selling your homemade baby sweaters to a broader audience with a live website.

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Simple paGO Commerce Setup

paGO Commerce Joomla E-CommerceWith Joomla! on your server, install the paGO Commerce component and open up the program. From the home screen, select “Config”. This is where you can begin to set up your basic information in the “General Tab”. Here, you can customize your store name, slogan and additional store-wide settings.

Configure your checkout process in the “Checkout Tab” and select whether you will force the customer to register with your store prior to checkout. Here, you can also set your Terms of Service or the notice given to customers following a completed order. Define your store template with the “Template Tab” to give a consistent look and feel to all product pages on your site.

Creating a Product Page

paGO Commerce E-Commerce Product PagePrior to developing your product pages, it is important to formulate the categories and subcategories prior to beginning. This helps you with grouping similar items within the same category with one another. An example of a category with subcategories would be:


  • Android
    • Samsung
    • LG
    • HTC
  • Apple
    • iPhone 6s
    • iPhone 6s plus
    • iPhone 6

Adding a product to a category can be extremely simple, depending on the product that you intend to sell. The process for creating a product can be as simple as:

  • Create Product Name
  • Enter Product SKU
  • Enter Price
  • Short and/or long descriptions (if needed)
  • Assign the product to a category
  • Assign a tax class (or none if not needed)
  • Save or save and close

For thorough instructions for setting up your first paGO Commerce store, be sure to check out our documentation online here. Once you have added your first product, you are ready to get selling. So, let’s get started!

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