Do you feel stuck? Afraid to jump ship because of the already bad experience you have had with your current e-commerce platform? Well, here at ‘corePHP’ when we started to develop paGO Commerce we had you in mind. We wanted to make sure that when you became that person that we can get you over to the best e-commerce platform that has hit the market since Facebook. Ok, we are not a billion-dollar data mining company so maybe a bad comparison 😉
Time to Jump Ship
We said it above. It’s time to jump ship on your current outdated e-commerce platform, for example maybe your on VirtueMart. It was what your company started with years ago. It was great then. Time has changed, but VirtueMart has not. It has gotten harder to use, less friendly and just a time suck for you and your developers. I am sure you have seen the bank account go further down than it should with this platform. paGO Commerce is packed with amazing migration scripts and VirtueMart happens to be one of the platforms to migrate from.
Are there other e-commerce platforms to migrate from?
Yes, currently we have several e-commerce migration plugins that come with paGO Commerce to get you right into paGO. We have the following:
- VirtueMart
- MijoShop
- HikaShop
- redSHOP
So if you are stuck and want to move e-commerce platforms, you can either take the beast and do the e-commerce migration yourself, or you can utilize our built-in migration tools. Please follow our instructions for migration located here:
Import Section
If your e-commerce platform is closed source, and the only way to get things moved over is exporting from your current e-commerce platform, paGO Commerce is equipped with an import section. So we make it easy to join our community and platform.
If you are fretting over the task of migrating to paGO Commerce because, like many, are afraid of messing something up. Don’t worry contact ‘corePHP’ today and our sales team can assist you on getting that taken care of.
If you’re on an e-commerce platform that was not mentioned above and would like to know if your site can be migrated over contact us as we can create special plugins to get you on the best platform. We look forward to servicing your website needs.
Download paGO Commerce for free, or take it for a test drive with our demo. Contact ‘corePHP’ to assist with your migration from your current e-commerce solution to paGO Commerce today.
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