What Exactly Is Cloud?

Blue skylight. Composition of nature.

Many people like to gaze at clouds, visualizing them in different shapes. But even two people can hardly agree on what they see in these forms. The same is true for the cloud as a service provided by virtual platforms. Labs Cloud is located all over the world and can be easily accessed from any place for the deployment of your valuable and prospective projects.

Multifunctionality of Cloud

Someone will say that the cloud is a repository of files on a remote server simply because one uses it only for these services. Others will note that this is the computing power provided by remote servers. Any customers can use them to solve their problems.

Both opinions will point to a common essential thing, which is remote servers accessible via Internet capacities. Cloud can be used for numerous purposes:

  • storage
  • computing
  • analytics
  • running certain software

Different Approaches to Solving Computing Tasks

Computing resources are needed by companies of various kinds. It is possible to solve the problem of obtaining them in different ways:

  • Accumulate capacious servers that will be sufficient for computing.
  • Rent capacities on a remote server for the implementation of the needed tasks.

G-Core Labs Cloud Provides Digital Infrastructure for All Types of Projects

Many tasks that are difficult to solve at the level of an individual company can be easily implemented by connecting to larger capacities of servers distributed around the world:

  • Computing and storing
  • Networking and deploying applications
  • Possibility of customization of cloud infrastructure
  • Compatibility of G-Core Labs Cloud with any other cloud platforms

The more computing power the cloud servers have, the faster all tasks are solved, and the work of all applications is more reliable. When choosing the Cloud for your project, look for something bigger, more powerful, and with the widest functionality. In this case, it will be able to realize its mission. As in Nature, for the virtual cloud, the goal is to provide nourishing moisture, thanks to which, any project grows faster.


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