Tips to Improve Website Conversion Rate Through Better UX Design

With technology taking control over every aspect, affordable mobile app development in the market allows people to move forward digitally with their businesses. The end goal of every business is to convert prospects into customers. To keep driving traffic to your website, creating relevant content, running successful marketing campaigns, and optimizing the SEO of your website is necessary.

But what happens when you’ve been following the strategy for so long but fail to see a lucrative outcome. The incoming traffic on your website is rarely converting to profitable results. This highlights a common problem in the business world that can be easily rectified if done right. To understand why your website is struggling to convert as much as you’d like, you must know the role of User Experience (UX) and its impact on the website conversion rate.

‘The first impression is the last impression.’ This phrase stands strong in the digital marketing world. When a visitor browses your website, it takes only 2-5 seconds for them to create a first impression based on what they see. The probability of your visitor converting into a customer depends on their experience of the site, especially the first few seconds of it.

The Impact of UX on Conversion

UX is the foundation of every website. While UX design focuses on improving user satisfaction by redefining the efficiency and usability of the website, it’s important to remember its relevance to the conversion rate. Your website is a powerful weapon. It acts as a consistent money-maker.

As a UX designer, it’s important to remember every single element that goes into designing is vital in keeping a user engaged with your website. From the selected color scheme to the white space on your page, every element plays a huge role in understanding a user’s behavior. A poorly design UX confuses and irritates users that leave a negative effect on the engagement rate. With a low engagement rate, you’ll notice a substantial decrease in the conversion rate as well.

How to Increase Conversion Rate Through UX?

The digital marketing industry is quite dynamic. Staying up to date with new trends and design innovation is necessary to stay ahead of the competition. Because of major innovations with designing, it’s easy for your website to appear outdated. At times, a redesign might seem the only solution, but you need the time and money for it. However, there are many different ways you can improve your website’s conversion rate by enhancing the UX design.

Include a clear call to action

Call-to-action buttons play a significant role in the success of your business. The revenue, engagement, conversion, and ROI your business generates depend entirely on the call-to-action buttons placed all over your website. While these buttons simplify the user’s experience by guiding them through the site, they also increase the website conversion rate.

Placing clear Call-to-action buttons throughout the website is important. You don’t want your users to be confused about their next move. When creating a call to action buttons, there are 3 things you should keep in mind.


Colors have a powerful way of triggering responses. Using the right colors for your CTA will help them stand out from the page. Make sure the CTA color is in contrast with the web page color scheme, so they appear prominent and different.


CTA buttons are an open opportunity for you to boost the conversion rate. Make sure you take advantage of it and create a triggering headline. Use words and phrases that trigger emotion and urgency within the user. This emotion pulls a trigger and allows them to take action. Always make sure the headline isn’t long and boring. Maintain the word count limit to 5 words per CTA.


Since you’re guiding the user to follow a natural path that ends up in conversion, you need to make sure the CTA buttons are placed logically throughout the path. Place them where they are most visible to be seen by the user.

Consistency is key

Consistency differentiates a good UX design from a bad one. From the color scheme, font family, graphical elements to font size, button style, and illustration type, every element on your website should maintain consistency. You want your visitors to remember your website, remember their experience, and, most importantly, recognize your brand in a glance. The color pallet, fonts, styles, and graphics you use on your site speaks volumes of your brand personality. Usability and accessibility of the website are vital, but without consistency, you cannot convert traffic into profit.

Optimize website loading speed

High loading time is one of the major reasons why visitors aren’t able to convert into customers. A loading time more than 3 seconds urge users to leave the page. Most users normally would never return to a website with a high loading time since it contributes to poor performance. To ensure every visitor can browse the website in minimal time, you must conduct speed tests. Many tools available online process and record your page loading speed. You can use this to identify the cause of this issue.

Most of the time, large-high-quality images are the main cause of high-loading time. To fix this, the internet has many image optimization tools that downsize images without compromising on quality.

Shorter web forms

No one likes filling long forms asking for repetitive information. Make sure any conversion forms you have on your website are concise and relevant. These forms have a huge impact on the user’s mood and dedication to finish the form. Make sure

  • All mandatory fields are marked or highlighted
  • All labels are clearly stated above the answer field
  • All error messages appear next to the field in question instead of at the end of the web page.
  • No repetitive information is asked

Simplify your website

Friction on your website lowers the chances of conversion. Anything on your website that acts as a friction point has a huge impact on the website conversion rate. Points like technical jargon that’s difficult to understand, unnecessary descriptive text, irrelevant graphics, poor navigation, long web forms, high-loading speed, etc. stop visitors from moving forward.

Getting rid of these friction points is easy. Use google analytics to figure out where the problem lies on the website. Use insights to understand user behavior throughout your website and eliminate friction wherever possible.

A well-designed website is the first step to increasing the website conversion rate. A great experience produces a satisfied customer. The design and usability of your website are directly related to the conversion rate of your website. Using these tips to improve the UX of your website will positively increase the conversion rate.

Author Bio

Tabish Khalid is a Senior Digital Marketing Executive for Applify Labs, an affordable mobile app development company headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida. He enjoys years-long expertise in digital marketing, social media management, search engine optimization, and more. He loves writing about technologies.


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