Sure we all would. Converting site visitors into buyers is the holy grail of eCommerce, but the real secret is in how it’s done.
What if we told you that you could change just one thing, and by doing that could significantly increase your online sales?
You’d want to know what it was, right?
Essentially, most online shops and eCommerce businesses are not converting their customers as well as they should be.
It’s not because they’re too expensive, and it’s not because they lack site traffic either…
Corporate Companies and eCommerce Businesses Often Focus On The Wrong Things.
These companies throw away thousands of dollars every month on things they hope will increase sales, yet their eCommerce site almost always returns less than what was invested.
If you keep spending money on a problem without knowing what it is, and nothing is changing, you need this.
Mistake #1 – Focusing On Your Sales Goals Is The Quickest Way To Fail
Many pencil pushers in Corporate eCommerce businesses tend to measure successes and failures by the profits made. Often, companies don’t look past the profit line before assuming that the site is failing or succeeding.
When a company measures success by only the bottom line, they don’t get the full story. They don’t learn the reasons that customers aren’t buying and what turns them off from making the purchase.
Mistake #2 – Putting Your Business First
You’re passionate about your business. That’s great. Wake Up call: Customers Don’t Care.
If you’re building the eCommerce site with dollar signs in your eyes, then you’re going to fail. Customers don’t care about supporting your business. Most customers have very little loyalty to any online eCommerce shop.
Just like the real world, customers are in it for their own benefits, and if your site fails to deliver, then you’ll lose not just the sale, but the potential buyer as well.
Mistake #3 – Don’t Take Shortcuts
It’s very tempting to copy manufacturer’s product descriptions, or use their images. You see it all the time when you shop on Amazon.
One of the biggest problems that site owners have is to cut corners when it comes to product descriptions.
We can’t tell you the number of times we work on eCommerce sites that have “cut and paste” descriptions copied directly from the manufacturer’s website, or worse, stolen from a competitor’s site.
Sadly, many times we come across grievous spelling and grammar errors because the site owner assumes that the description is correct if it’s coming from the manufacturer.
People are much more likely to read real product descriptions that are unique, well worded and illustrate the product clearly and concisely. Likewise, these site visitors are more likely to buy from a shop that puts the time and effort into images and descriptions over one that just cuts and pastes all the info.
Go Shopping. Seriously.
It’s easy to forget that your customers are actually real people too. They shop with many of the same emotions, thoughts and feelings that you do.
Putting yourself in your customer’s shoes isn’t hard. The easiest way is to spend an evening shopping online. Chances are that many of the same things that catch your eye would also be the types of things that your customers would stop in their tracks for as well.
When you read product descriptions, what descriptions do you read all the way through, and why?
In conclusion, it’s important to write meaningful product descriptions that really illustrate the product, as well as lavish images that show the potential buyer everything they want to see on the product.
For instance, if you’re selling a backpack, show images of the interior and the pockets inside. Buyers will want to know how much stuff they can put into the backpack. Load the backpack up with sample items to clearly illustrate size and carrying capacity.
Whenever possible, include a demo video so that you can do a demo of the product. Often, videos will sell a product better than anything else.
paGO Commerce is your Joomla eCommerce Extension to create a successful shop
It’s easy to setup your products, attributes, images and videos in paGO Commerce within minutes. Get your store up and running quickly with the integrated migration script, allowing you to move over from other Joomla eCommerce extensions with ease! Start today! What are you waiting for download now.