New Store + New Products = New future

Check out the changes in the ‘corePHP’ store! It has been rebuilt from the ground up. All of our old products are available, plus many new ones like Community ACL and WordPress. We also have a number of products in development…keep reading for a sneak peek of future releases! Of course, we’re not sharing everything.  We want some of it to remain a surprise!

Template Club

We have a ton of exciting templates coming out with our new framework, including features that will make your job a LOT easier! Everybody and their penguin has a template club, but we guarantee that ours will take it to a whole new level. We are going to build a community and make tools available for all – soon everyone will be able to build their very own top notch template. We’ll reveal ways to build templates from the designer’s point of view – and you’ll even have access to Photoshop artwork and templates! We are excited about this new opportunity and look forward to sharing it with you.

Zen Penguin knows best for Joomla! Extensions

The wise Zen Penguin has spoken. New Joomla! extensions have been built and will soon be released for the good of all. Want to hear about a few? Check out our new weather module. It’s awesome, it’s easy to use – and you won’t have to leave your web page to check the weather ever again! Also, we will soon release Joomla! 1.5 Dreamweaver snippets. The first release was a huge success, but this second release will be even better!

This is just a sneak peek of what will come down the road. Keep checking out our blogs for further releases!


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