Why You Need To Have Windows 10 VPS For Your Site

Web hosting is, and will always be, one of the main factors that determine the success of a website. Regardless of what you market or share via your site, lack of a reliable hosting company may hinder your progress. If you are using an unreliable web hosting company, your website may experience frequent outages. It can’t be stressed enough how this will impact your sales and reputation.

That said, there is an array of options from which you can choose an ideal service. They are categorized into two: shared and dedicated hosting. The former may use one server to host several sites, while the latter allows every website to have an individual server.

If your site is still growing, then, a shared hosting service may be ideal for you. However, as it gains more popularity, it would be better to shift to a dedicated service for better performance. Virtual private server (VPS) hosting is considered a hybrid of the two. In this post, you’ll be looking at some of the reasons why you should upgrade to a Windows 10 VPS hosting.

What Is A Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

Of course, not everyone is aware of what VPS really means. Simply put, a virtual private server is a virtual machine residing in a hosting company’s physical server. As such, if you utilize this hosting service, you’ll have your virtual operating system.

What this means is that you have control over which apps can and can’t be installed. Although VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting, it is a lot more affordable than dedicated services. In fact, you’ll find that its features are a combination of the two hosting options, which gives it more value for the money.

Why Is Windows 10 VPS A Good Option?

Here are some of the reasons why a Windows 10 VPS would be your best bet.

  • Top Security Guaranteed

As a developer or owner of a site, website security should always be your priority. Generally, VPS hosting is more secure compared to shared hosting. When different websites share the same server, then, there are bound to be some risks involved. Your data will not be safe from prying eyes, and that could be disastrous.

However, since VPS hosting is dedicated, your data is isolated from other clients. It would be like having your own computer (virtual in this case) to which you are the only one who has access. Similarly, if one of the users is hit by malware, your website will still be safe and sound. Those who use shared hosting are likely to be affected by a malware developed for one of the users within a given server.


Windows 10 VPS ensures that your website is safe from any external attacks. In addition to having a dedicated virtual machine, you’ll also have intrusion monitors, firewalls, and regular backups at the remote storage centre. Such services are your responsibility when using shared plans.

  • No Drains Caused By The Sharing Of Resources

Imagine creating several accounts in one PC and having each user download large files. After a few downloads, the available space will already be exhausted. That’s basically what happens when several websites share the same server.

If all the sites are still at the beginning of their growth, you might not feel the effect. However, a spike in traffic even for just one website will impact the other users. Some of the results will be slow loading and frequent unresolved breakdowns. Many up-and-coming businesses have ended up failing due to unimpressed potential customers.

So, if your website has the potential to grow bigger, then, a shared server is not an ideal environment. As a matter of fact, it paints an image of an unprofessional business. This is another reason why you should shift your focus to securing the services of a Windows 10 VPS. Since you are not sharing any resources, your site will always be sleek.

  • You’ll Have More Control Over Your Website

Since it is VPS-based, you will be the only one using that Windows 10 operating system. As such, you can customize the OS to meet your needs. Unlike the other web host services, a VPS allows you to decide which apps can be downloaded.

With such control, you can even test new apps on your platform and try out advanced coding techniques. Also, you have full access to files and other relevant resources that come with it. Of course, some of these benefits may be exclusive to some plans. Nonetheless, it is quite easy to upgrade from one plan to another.

  • It Is Cost-Effective

If your website still has few visitors, then, a shared web host could be the best option. But, this depends on how much you are willing to invest in the early stages. As you grow, it would be unwise to remain in a shared environment, especially if you are starting to attract more traffic.

You also wouldn’t want to invest in a dedicated server when you don’t really need it. Windows 10 VPS gives you a perfect balance of cost and performance. It is designed to suit those growing sites looking for a middle option. If you own a medium-sized business, then, this would be an ideal choice.


Designing your website is not complete until you choose a reputable web hosting company. Keep in mind that this is where your files–both private and public–will be stored. Windows 10 VPS offers an excellent option for anyone looking to maintain the competence of their website, but is not ready to spend too much.

Apart from being cost-effective, it is reliable both in terms of performance and security. The fact that every user has a dedicated operating system means other users will not impact the speed of their website. Similarly, if one gets hit by malware, the case will be isolated from the rest.

As such, you won’t have to suffer downtime because your neighbour has been hacked. The ability to control your site and any software installation is something that most designers crave. Windows 10 VPS gives you the ability to carry out such customizations.

Why You Need To Have Windows 10 VPS For Your Site

Beth Green

Beth Green is a software developer who helps individuals and businesses improve their online presence. Beth continuously improves her knowledge and skills in software development by reading and participating in workshops.

Beth also shares her expertise in software development by publishing articles on her blog and other websites.



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