Labor Day Sale, news from ‘corePHP, and more!

For the first time, we are posting our popular newsletter to our blog. Read on for some great Labor Day deals!

Have you heard the buzz going around?

It is time to get the latest news from ‘corePHP’. In December 2008 our team joined and the online social community grew overnight. We’ve had a great response from the Joomla! community. We highly recommend you join in too – it’s a great resource to keep on top of the latest events!

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Your Experience at ‘corePHP’

Thank you for being part of the ‘corePHP’ experience — now we would like to hear from you! What are some experiences you’ve had with our products and services? What are you looking for? What can we do to make your Joomla! experience better? How can we create the perfect environment for you and all of our users? Send your tips, thoughts and comments to We are looking forward to hearing what is on your mind!

Labor Day Holiday Coupon

We’d like to use the upcoming holiday to thank you for keeping us in business, so we’re adding an extra 2.5% off of the usual 10% off holiday sale. This year the discount is 12.5% off of ALL subscription sign ups on our site! Use the following subscription code to get your discount now: lday2009. This coupon will last till 11:59:59 EST on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Join the thousands of members who have benefited from our products…and get the benefits of a great discount to top it off! Get your subscription now at

‘corePHP’ products

We are always excited to announce our newest product releases. Our most recent release in the past few months was WordPress MU for Joomla! – one of the most powerful Multi-User blog systems available for Joomla! 1.5.

All of the features that ‘corePHP’ WordPress for Joomla! provides are available with the MU package – and more!

  • Natively works on Joomla! 1.5 – just install it as any other extension.
  • WordPress Themes – We have developed a default theme, but you can build as many themes as you like for your users to use. These themes will display within your Joomla! template but they also allow your users to customize their own blog page.
  • Permalink Structure – Each user can pick their blog’s permalink structure! Allow users to customize their URLs!
  • Customizable Widget Sidebars – Users can pick the widgets they want to put on the sidebar module for their blog page! Add pages, links, latest comments, tag clouds, and latest posts.
  • Cross-blog communication tools – Fully functional trackbacks and pingbacks are available for each user blog.
  • Comments – Visitors can leave comments on individual posts.
  • Full Joomla! 1.5 user integration – WordPress MU will sync the WordPress user every time he loads the component to make sure all of the user’s information is accurate.
  • Easy Installation and upgrades – Every time a new update comes out, just uninstall it from Joomla!’s administrator panel and install the new version. Your database, media, plug-ins and themes will still be there.
  • XML-RPC interface – WordPress currently supports an extended version of the Blogger API, MetaWeblog API, and finally the MovableType API. Each user can use XML-RPC for their blog.

‘corePHP’ has added a few features of our own:

  • Add / Remove blog title on a per blog basis
  • Show / Hide Author name in posts on a on a per blog basis.
  • Site-wide options:
    • Add / Remove sidebar
    • Powerful template options for CSS style sheets
    • Enable / Disable automatic role syncing with Joomla!
  • We have ported over some of the most popular plugins. More to come!

More Information on WordPress MU for Joomla! 1.5 by ‘corePHP’

Newest release of Community ACL:

One of the most sought after pieces of functionality missing in Joomla! is the ability to assign access levels and roles to your users. There have been other ACL components released in the past to fill this void, but since they hack the core of Joomla! to a point where it’s difficult to upgrade, many shy away from using them. With the new framework of Joomla! 1.5 we have been able to create a new Access Level Control component that does very little to the core (it only hacks the menu to hide items) and provides you the most powerful solution ever to date. Opening up Joomla! to new levels!

Visit the site today to see the latest and greatest of Community ACL!

Other amazing products:

Being active Joomla! developers, we use many products that are out on the market. We would like to share with you some of our favorites:

From JoomlaPraise – AdminPraise2

Get Ready to Enjoy Joomla! Although Joomla! is THE most capable Open Source CMS on the market, it gets a bad rap because the administrator site is confusing. We have solved this by using AdminPraise2 which combines various features and logical organization to help dissolve the Joomla! Administrator confusion. AdminPraise2 is great to use when developing a site that will be handed off to a client to administrate.
Find out more at:

From iJoomla – Adagency

If you are looking for an extension that will put ads on your site, look no further! iJoomla Ad Agency is a Joomla! Banner/Ads Extension designed to help publishers earn revenue by placing ads on their Joomla! sites. Advertisers can submit and upload their ads online, buy packages, start campaigns and run reports. This is the most powerful ad tool out there for Joomla! We have used this for many of our clients. Want to know how much we love it? Watch our CEO, Steven Pignataro, talking about the product on the iJoomla site. It’s a great component with great support. Got ads on the brain? Think iJoomla.
Find out more at:

Each month we will release information about our favorite powerful tools that are available through other companies. We hope this helps you in your future web endeavors.

‘corePHP’ Management
— Steven Pignataro – CEO
— Jonathan Shroyer – CTO
— Michael Pignataro – VP of Operations


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