7 Things Digital Marketers Should Know About User Experience

The digital world has really changed in the past few years and it has become more complex, which makes it important for the digital marketers to understand the user experience. User experience has become one of the most important features of the digital marketing and a digital marketer must have a clear idea about the impact of user experience.

Digital marketers need to understand the fundamentals of user experience and the impact which it can create on digital marketing. Things which digital marketers should know about user experience are:

It’s not only about the interfaces

One main misconception about the user experience is that it is just about the creation of beautiful interfaces. It can be one part but you need to look in to the large domain if you want to make user experience perfect. Interactive design needs to be there if you want to make user experience perfect and impressive.

User experience is all about making a strong relationship between technology and people. You need to identify and design a relationship through which users can really become ongoing consumers and keep visiting again for a great experience.

If you want nice looking themes like this one from Dupont Auto Centre, you need to give attractive images in order to get the people interested’. Fair demand also plays an important role as if you demand high then you are not going to get too many people interested in your offering.

Perfect user experience touches a product without too much promotion

Marketing is all about making people interested in things while design needs to be impressive to let the people want it. User experience revolves around the design. There are many people who ask why at every offering? You need to have answers of various questions if you want to succeed in the digital marketing world.

If you are marketing a Used Audi for Sale then people may ask you about its features and how it is better than the other cars in the market. You need to be prepared to answer all the relevant questions.

Sometimes marketing teams face odd situations as they don’t really have idea about how to drive sales of a given product. User experience designers can help the digital marketers at that time and they help them for optimization which is necessary for some campaigns. User experience designers also make some assumptions which help the digital markets and they can sell or position the products more effectively based on these assumptions.

Experience matters (a lot)

Experience of the products which digital markets promote matters a lot and sometimes a bad experience can lead to a better chance in the future. Digital marketers need to reach the right channels to reach the targeted customers and these channels can range from print to digital media.

Digital marketers need to address the concepts like cross channel experiences and Omni-channel experiences and they need to make a plan based on business capacity rather than going for the customer own needs.

Digital marketers need to identify the gaps as they can really put negative impact on the digital marketing. Perfect way to bridge those gaps is to have a user experience designer who can help by bridging the gaps and by identifying the new opportunities.

Multiple research approaches for perfect user experience

Digital marketing usually doesn’t generate much research but research program needs to be there for getting a perfect user experience in to account. Marketing research usually focus on the quantifying research for a fixed product while user experience is intensively research oriented discipline which focus on understanding and discovering the human needs with a perfectly designed product.

Intensive research makes it excellent for framing or sorting out a problem as it is based on more accurate quantitative assessment. Both digital marketing and user experience can naturally complement each other by ensuring and generating great human value for customers which let the businesses generate commercial value.

Usability and user experience are not the same

User experience is much broad concept as compared to the usability. Usability is part of user experience and usability professionals focus on effectiveness, learnability, high efficiency, complete memorability, error prevention, and error removal and user satisfaction.

User experience has large impact on the user satisfaction. For instance if you are selling a used Audi for sale then you cannot use the complex and overwhelming navigation, slow loading page and cluttered page layout as it negatively impact the user satisfaction.

Easy findability holds importance

User opt for various ways like searching, browsing and social media etc when they want to discover and locate the desired content. At that time the importance of labeling, formatting, organizing and connecting the content really matters.

These things really play their part as if user don’t get the perfect experience then he/she is not going to give much interest to your product no matter how much strong you do your digital marketing.

Perceived download time is more important than actual download time

User don’t really give much attention to the machine speed what they see is the download time. If they find something of their interest on the website then they consider the download time to be faster otherwise they consider it slow if they don’t get something of their interest.

When you give the attractive and impressive material to the users then they don’t really think much about the download time. But you need to give special consideration to the download time and responsiveness as it can really keep the people interested and your website looks stunning no matter which device the user is using.

You need to make sure that you don’t leave anything from your side if you want to attract users towards the product. When users get an impressive experience then they are definitely going to take interest in your product and they are going to buy the product without giving you too much headache for extensive digital marketing and high expenditure.


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